Objective: To address and mitigate the potential flaws in the hybrid fluid 3-4-3 playing system using operant conditioning (constraint-led) methods. Session Duration: 60 minutes (add any additional activity you need to increase the learning capabilityContinue reading
Category: Session Plan
Opening Out Game
This is one of my favourite games to play with a team. It can be done over a short period of time or alternatively be almost an entire session on its own. Players will alwaysContinue reading
Team Pressing Session
Pressing has become the core terminology of most teams defending. They talk about pressing as a trigger. Teams from a defending point of view need to make sure that the aspects of pressing are partContinue reading
Goalkeeper — thoughts and a session
Most coaches seem to struggle with the Goalkeeper and how to ensure they are being coached to the same level of the outfield players. There are many goalkeeper coaches out there and the question IContinue reading
Goalside/Ballside Midfield Session
SESSION: Goalside/Ballside Defending FOCUS: Midfield 3v3 (1-4-3-3 vs 1-4-3-3) PLAYERS: 2 Centrebacks plus 3 midfielders for each team AREA: 40m wide x 50m long — area is split into 3 sections 10m – 30m –Continue reading
Patience and Decision Making Session
As a coach I love to sit down with other experienced coaches and discuss session plans, outcomes, learnings and football activity. This session plan comes out of a great conversation over pizzas and beers onContinue reading
Defensive Transition Session
DATE: Thursday 25th February, 2016 MOMENT: Defensive Transition PRINCIPLE: Avoid the ball being played progressively forward and looking to regain possession quickly or give time to allow the team to be organised defensively. SESSION TYPE: Constraints drivenContinue reading