Goalside/Ballside Midfield Session

SESSION: Goalside/Ballside Defending

FOCUS: Midfield 3v3 (1-4-3-3 vs 1-4-3-3)

PLAYERS: 2 Centrebacks plus 3 midfielders for each team

setup-goalside-ballsideAREA: 40m wide x 50m long — area is split into 3 sections 10m – 30m – 10m (50m)

SETUP: in each of the 2 10mx40 zones are the 2 centrebacks. In the 30x40m zone are the 3v3 centre midfield players.


  • Centrebacks are on 2 touch. After their first touch if they are unable to pass the ball to one of their central midfield players they are to pass the ball to the other centreback. This will facilitate lateral movement of the ball for the midfielders to react off.
  • Once the ball has been played into the middle zone the central midfielders are not allowed to pass back to their centre backs.
  • The objective of the midfielders is to find a way to pass the ball to the feet of the opposition’s centrebacks to score a goal.setup-goalside-ballside2


  1. Positioning and body posture — goalside/ballside facing slightly in towards the ball receiver with weight balanced to allow quick movement towards the ball with the front foot.
  2. Threaten the pass — positioned in such a way that any pass that is underhit or not accurate to be intercepted in front of the receiver. Look to intercept, spoil the touch, tackle or regain possession.
  3. Look to intercept with the front foot — reach in and intercept the ball and then insert your body between the player and the ball to secure possession
  4. Track runners — if the player in possession passes the ball track the runner to stop them receiving the ball back. Deny any and all pass options
  5. Deny forward movement of the ball — players in coverage work hard to continually get goalside/ballside to stop forward movement of the ball


  1. Allow a pass back to the centrebacks but they must play the ball first time into the middle area
  2. Restrict the midfielders to 2-touch and allow free play back to the centrebacks who are on 2 touch as per the original rules.
  3. If all 3 midfielders receive and pass the ball in a single movement it counts as 3 goals.

This session easily leads to a SSG in which you can bring in any other positions with adding areas around the side of the grid. Keeping the same constraints and area if you wish and free them as they improve.

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